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We are developing this website to provide good, timely information to the residents of Centertown. Your patience as we work out bugs and bring this page to life is greatly appreciated.
Any suggestions welcome. Searching for good photos of Centertown, both old and new.
Village of Centertown Mo
Hours of Operaton
9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Village email address:
We are located below the old water tower.
Centertown Waterworks:
For Water Emergencies, contact Kyle Wirts @ 573-690-7579
Drop Box for payment of Water Bill on side of building.
Adam Brown, Chairman
Debra Baker, Chairman Pro-Tem
Heather Hunger, Trustee
Paula Hinshaw, Trustee
Vacant, Trustee
Fawna White, Village and Waterworks Clerk